Researchers discover genes linked to brain shrinkage

October 2, 2020

A new study implicates 160 genes in brain shrinkage seen on MRIs of 45,000 healthy adults. The shrinkage is in the cortex, the dimply outer layer of the brain that gives rise to thinking, awareness and action, and largely consists of gray matter.

Three leadership announcements

September 28, 2020

President William L. Henrich, MD, MACP, announces the promotion or appointment of three outstanding individuals at UT Health San Antonio.

New standard for measuring chemical intolerance

September 25, 2020

Researchers developed and validated a three-question, yes-or-no survey that primary care providers, allergists, dermatologists and other specialists can incorporate into patient visits.

Safety practices to stop the spread

September 23, 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact our community and more people return to our campuses, it’s important to be aware of the safety practices in place to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Time off to vote

September 22, 2020

All UT Health San Antonio faculty and staff are eligible to take time off to vote on an election day for national, state and local elections when it isn’t possible to vote before or after normal working hours.